El Lun 02 Feb 2004 20:42, Tracy escribi=F3:
> At 18:37 2/2/2004, Tracy wrote:
> >At 17:12 2/2/2004, Gustavo Galvan wrote:
> > >Ok, accepting email from only authorized MX is, by now, a crazy idea
> > > because the biggers free email servers do not use them.
> >
> >Well, you know, that's interesting. I do MX checks on RHS of MAIL FROM=
> >all mail received, and I still seem to receive mail from Yahoo, Hotmai=
> >and Excite... So, which of the freemail providers are you referring to
> > when you said "bigger free email servers"?


These servers send email with ip address wich are not MX records. I have =
tested others.

> BTW, I just realized you said "authorized MX", which implies you are
> checking the connection address against the returned MX. I'm not doing
> that. I'm simply checking to see if the RHS of MAIL FROM *has* an MX. S=
> for example, if I received mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED], I would do an MX
> lookup on yahoo.com. If I found an MX (*any* MX), that test passes. It
> would only fail if the RHS lookup found no MX.

anyone can falsify MAIL FROM. Its a soft check.

> I do validate the connection IP address in other ways, however.

That's the point. So, I think we need check if IP Address of incomming SM=
connection corresponds with domain extracted from MAIL FROM. This IP Addr=
must have a record (A or CNAME) in the DNS of that domain.


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