
  We've found and strange behaviour.
  If web set a rule for a domain in custdomins,
in order to do an SMTP relay for all the mails
of that domain, we've noticed that the Xmail
server don't send notices about unknown users.

  File in custdomains directory:  domain.com.tab
  Content of domain.com.tab:      smtprelay    mailserver.name.com:25

  Basically it works. Any mail for that domain is being
resended by SMTP to the specified server.
  But if a mail was send to a non existen mail address in
"domain.com", the mail is rejected with "User Unknown" by
the final SMTP server. In that case Xmail don't send
any mail telling that the mail wasn't delivered.

  If we do a "redirect" instead of "smtprelay", the mail
with telling about the error is send by XMail.

  Can this be changed in any configuration file, in order
to send the mail with the delivery report?

Thanks in advance.

Daniel Serena

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