I bet you coulnd't do that on a the same box running RH 9, I loaded a
similar box with RH 9 and could barely pull up X, much less load an
xapp.  Granted, if I trimmed it down and compiled the kernal just for
that box it would probably improve, but lets be realistic, most Linux
fans don't even bother anymore. And, Windows 2000 will run the GUI
faster on the same box, so will the *BSD's.

Chuck Frolick

-----Original Message-----

PD: I can see a XVID movie in a p233 - 64 Mb RAM, and
more: while playing the movie I can switch *fast* between mail,=20
Mozilla Thunderbird, ICQ, and 4 file explorer windows, and ..... That
machine have a BeOS Dev. Ed. 1.1 OS

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