Hi all,

I'm having a problem with Spamassassin 2.63 and XMail 1.17. When SA
tries to parse the XMail Received header of an incoming message it gives
a "received-header: unknown format:" error and fail to get the "from" IP

I've been trying to find a solution but haven't found anything helpful
yet. From what I've seen it's the Received.pm module of SA that doesn't
know how to parse Xmail's (ip:port) header properly, in fact if I cut
the :port string of the Received line everything goes as expected.

I was wondering if anyone knows how to modify the received.pm module or
change the header of XMail or if there is any way to go around it,
unfortunately I don't know enough of Perl or C to do it by myself.

Any help or pointer would be greatly appreciated, TIA.


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