I tried for countless hours to get XAV to work, and it is a huge pain.  I
finally gave up on XAV and used the filter from the following website:

That worked extremely well with exception of one bug I found on line 107 of
filter.pl.  The line should read as follows:
my $AV_ALWAYS  = $cf{av_always};

Once that line is fixed, everything works as expected.

If you want to use Clamscan under Windows, grab the build from
http://clamav.or.id/ .  That build works much better.  The standard release
of clamav seems to compile wrong when I compile it with the latest buildd of
cygwin.  For some reason, it errors out on the md5 stuff instead of
scanning, so the return code is always wrong.  Anyway, the build from
http://clamav.or.id/ works perfectly.  Install it as they suggest and then
run freshclam.  Then it is ready to rock.

While you are at it, you can also try switching SpamAssassin over to
SpamD/SpamC if you have not already done so.  This offer tremendous
performance gains over simply running SpamAssassin.bat once per email.
Check out the following URL details:


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Liron Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: [xmail] OT: ClamAV/XMail/XAV/Win32

> This is slightly off the topic, but I guess here is the best place to
> ask, as I know this list is full of people that have answers. :)
> Anyone managed to install ClamAV to scan messages in XMail through XAV?
> Not with clamd, just clamscan.
> I'm facing some weird permissions issue.. It seems that ClamAV won't
> scan anything it isn't the owner of (It's running under SYSTEM of
> course, and the files are owned by Administrators), even though the
> files are Everyone:F. It also makes the logfile have odd permissions -
> SYSTEM only, not inhereting.
> I'm guessing it's some porting issue.. I'm almost tempted to open the
> code and start playing with it. :)
> Please answer off the list for the greater good. :)
> -
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