On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 12:59, Dale Qualls wrote:
> Okay, color me stupid, but is it so tough to empty the darned smtprelay.tab=
>  file?

no - but I agree it's easy to miss.  Even if it was left the way it was
and there was a file named "IMPORTANT.txt" in the root directory of the
archive that would suffice IMHO.  I have always thought a little more
documentation (or a little more well targeted documentation) was

> I'm amazed at everyone bitching over a great product that no one pays any =
> money for.

Yeah this is how software improves isn't it, by everyone keeping their
mouths shut.  Nobody is being ungrateful, we are just raising issues and
offering solutions.

I would rather have people email me their concerns about the software I
develop than not finding out about them till months later.

This is the beauty of open source - the ability to actually have your
feedback listened to and acted on.  Why you are trying to stifle this
valid conversation I do not know.



William Denniss - will@ http://tanksoftware.com/

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