On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Pascal  de R. wrote:

> vendredi 16 avril 2004 at 16:10:48, you said :
> Davide> What do you mean for alias (in XMail terms) and what setup do you use to
> Davide> make such alias?
> Alias for e-mail pop3 mailbox :
> In Xmail aliases.tab i have :
> "localdomain.tld"       "webmaster"    "postmaster"
> >>   - The Rcpt domain is blank in the error message!! In fact, this
> >>     could be append only after correct delivery, right ?
> Davide> Nope. Show me how you create the alias (likely a redirect).
> May be I was not clear. If the user received correctly his e-mail as I
> said, the domain name ( text after @ ) could not disappeared during
> during delivery process...but only after. The problem is the error
> message should not exist just because everything is ok  !-))

What does your SMTP and SMAIL logs tell about such message?

- Davide

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