On Wed, 12 May 2004, John Kielkopf wrote:

> Getting a "Mail loop detected" on a domain we host on our DNS server, 
> and on our web servers, be do not host the mail (MX record points to 
> customers server).
> This only happens on mail being sent from our mail server. The 
> destination domain is not handled by our mail servers (no domain alias, 
> no custom domain, no domain entry, and the DNS records appear to be 
> correct).  This seemed to start after changing to 1.18... I haven't gone 
> back to 1.17 to test though.

Take a look at the slog files. Try a "nslookup -recurse -type=mx bioenergy.com" 
from the XMail machine. IMO is failing with the MX resolution and is 
picking up the A record, that points to your server.

> Received: from smtp1.mnwebhost.net (
>       by mnwebhost.net with [XMail 1.18 (Win32/Ix86) ESMTP Server]
>       id <S1306CA> for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>       Sun, 2 May 2004 17:47:59 -0500

- Davide

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