Hello list,
  I'm puzzled. Since I updated from XMail 1.9 to 1.18 (for obvious reasons ;-)
there are strange things going on:

  Local users complain about SMTP timeout messages from their MUAs at no 
apperant reason. When they try to send the same message a little later it
works ok.

  Server is idle most of the time (system load about 0.06). (I also watched
during SMTP connection errors) Those connections don't show up in the logs.

We have 100 users and about 1500 messages per day. Attachments are checked by
my MailScan script, which also did the same before the trouble started (so: NO!
my script is not to blame).

  Here is my setup:

Slackware Linux 8.0.0 Kernel 2.4.9 (I know this is old)
glibc 2.2.3
gcc 2.95.3
XMail 1.18

Filters: MailFilter (Perl script invoking SOPHOS)

  I also noticed a slight growth in memory. When I restart XMail RSS value is
about 1300, slowly growing to 1900 and more. I can not yet give any info about
long term use. And I tried the 'LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1' hack described earlier
in this list ... no effect.

  Any ideas anybody ?

  Thanks in advance,


Wiener Hilfswerk - EDV
1072 Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 29
Tel: 512 36 61 DW 407 / Fax 512 36 61 33

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