On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Michal Altair Valasek wrote:

> |There are people who run a Windows 2003 box as just an XMail server 
> |-- to me that doesn't make sense, since with the same hardware, you 
> |could load Redhat from disk, install Xmail from RPMs and have just 
> |about the same ease of install and management as Windows 2003 (and, 
> |if I remember correctly there's a significant performance boost when 
> |using XMail on Linux).  On the other hand, some people just like 
> |Windows.
> not only "like" but "know" is the keyword for me. There is very few people
> who really understands Windows AND Un*x. Give ordinary Un*x admin a Windows
> box and Windows admin a Un*x box and the result would be same: bad.
> I would not use Un*x. Never, nowhere. Even in cases when it's from
> performance and so on reason the best. Because I do not understand it and
> have no chance to be as good as on Windows (and have no time to try it). So,
> when I run something, it must be either on Windows (then I can handle it) or
> a blackbox hardware solution from respectible company.
> For me it's simply cheaper and simplier to buy a stronger machine, than
> learn other OS.
> I would not like to see Win/Lin flamewar here. I personally have nothing
> agains Unix-based OS and so on. But Windows and Unix are two different
> worlds. Only very few projects is *really* working on both.
> Just now I am fighting with Perl on Windows to run SpamAssassin. The
> performance is HORRIBLE. Maybe its my fault, but I can't see it. In native
> ..NET application I know where the bottlenecks are. In Perl I don't know and
> no chance that I'll learn in some reasonable time.

Look SA is slow everywhere, not only on Windows. And it's not entirely a 
Perl responsibility. Simply the app does not scale, having to evaluate 
hundreds of regualr expressions, parse HTML, call for DNS resolution, etc...
The cause of the performance problem is, on one side the application 
design (and nature), on the other side the "slowness" of an interpreting 
environment that has to be loaded at every run. If you are trying to plug 
SA on a mail server that processes 500+ messages per minute, you are going 
to suffer in some way. Things like SPAMC though, can help cutting down the 
interpreter loading time. Remember, SA would be slow on every environment 
that is interpreted, since 1) interpreted enviroment needs time to 
initialize 2) SA uses, being a complex thing, a bunch of modules, that in 
turn needs to initialize 3) it has become a huge thing, with the number of 
performed tests incresing every day.

- Davide

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