This is quick an dirty, and I have not tested it, but couldn't you just use
something like:
(this is in vbs, so windows only.  I leave the perl conversion as an
exercise for the reader :)

Dim MAILROOT, MsgFilePath, Rrcpt, Domain, Username, AtPos, FullMbPath

'/// Set the mailroot path
MAILROOT = "c:\mailroot\"

'/// Get the msg path & rrcpt
MsgFilePath = WScript.Arguments(0)
Rrcpt = WScript.Arguments(1)
MaxMbSize = WScript.Arguments(2)

'/// convert to bytes from Mb
MaxMbSize = MaxMbSize * 1024 * 1024

'/// pull the domain out of the address
AtPos = Instr(1, Rrcpt, "@", 1)
Domain = Right(Rrcpt, Len(Rrcpt)-AtPos)

'/// pull the username out of the address
Username = Left(Rrcpt, AtPos-1)

'/// build the path to the mailbox
FullMbPath = MAILROOT & "domains\" & Domain & "\" & Username & "\mailbox"

Dim Fso, FolderMb, tsMsg
set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set FolderMb = Fso.GetFolder(FullMbPath)
set tsMsg = Fso.GetFile(MsgFilePath)

'/// test to see if we have exceeded the max mailbx size
if(tsMsg.Size + FolderMb.Size) > MaxMbSize then
        '/// this would put us over the limit, 
        '/// reject, and notify the sender
end if

set Fso = Nothing

Note, I am expecting @@FILE @@RRCPT "Max mailbox size in Mb".  


This would verify that the mailbox would be less than 20Mb after delivery,
or bounce the msg.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 12:00 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: Mailbox size

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Shiloh Jennings wrote:

> That makes sense.  Mabye we could address this issue from a different 
> = angle.
> Would it be possible to extend the functionality of the MaxMessageSize 
> = to automatically block messages that were larger than the mailbox 
> quota?  = You already have a server level MaxMessageSize, but end 
> users also expect a = per user MaxMessageSize setting equal to their 
> mailbox quota.  Since the = mailbox quota varies from mailbox to 
> mailbox, the server level setting is only useful for setting the 
> MaxMessageSize for the largest mailbox.

Nope. There could be many recipients in a single SMTP transaction. The only
way to handle this correctly is rejecting the message at mailbox delivery

- Davide

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