Davide Libenzi wrote:

>On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, John Kielkopf wrote:
>>AVG was installed, but not set to run in any "on-access" way (was used 
>>for scanning mail, until we switched to McAfee command line scanner).  I 
>>uninstalled AVG and re-started the machine, but no change.
>>This happens when creating domains as well, not just removing them.  No 
>>other application seems to act in this way (throw errors on file 
>>operations, but complete the operation) on this box... yet.
>>The other Xmail servers on win32 are not under as much load as this one, 
>>and the only way I can repeat the error on these other machines (no AV 
>>installed on them) is to remove a domain that has a good amount of files 
>>still in its directory.  Only creating/removing domains seem to cause 
>>the problem.  Individual users appear to remove and add without trouble. 
>>Note that, other than the error, the domains are removed and created 
>Ok, deletion can in theory happen to succeed even if the error is 
>triggered, but creation definitely not. And this since another bunch of 
>ops will follow the creation of the directory (and XMail bounces out on 
>error). So, are you sure your CTRL client does not issue the command 
I'm positive that "domainadd" is not issued twice.  I even tried it 
manually in a telnet session to verify it, and the error is reported 
there after a single domainadd, after first making sure the domain does 
not already exist.  After domainadd,  "-00017 Unable to create 
directory" is reported, a directory with that domains name now exists, 
and the domain has an entry in domains.tab.

Is it possible that Xmail is running into an error further down the 
road, but reporting it as "Unable to create directory"?


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