I'm using xmail 1.20 and UMPL 2.11 for the administration and webmail. My platform is 
windows 2003 and IIS 6.0
They work very fine. But I have a problem sending mail using the PHP based UMPL.

Configuring php to work in CGI mode UMPL and others php script using mail() function 
do their job. But in this mode I can't authenticate the access to the root directory 
leaving it unprotected.

So I am tring to use the ISAPI version of the PHP (4.3.7), in this flavor the 
authentication works fine. But I'm not able to send mail using UMPL or from a simple 
mail() test page.

Does someone has some similar experience using ISAPI???
Does ISAPI want a different authorization to execute sendmail.php or to access some 
other xmaildirectory?

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