On [Fri, 11.06. 08:56], Tracy wrote:
> At 03:09 6/11/2004, Goesta Smekal wrote:
> >I do a similar thing for two months : Every mail reportet to be infected 
> >gets a
> >second treatment:
> >
> >* look for originating IP (of SMTP envelope, _not_ headers)
> >* resolve its domain
> >* get the MX for that domain
> >* if the IPs are not equal, block the host, since it is an infected, non MX
> >host.
> >
> >This approach works _very_ fine (not a single complain ever since, opposed to
> >three complaints due to RDNS check, which started the same time) the SMTP load
> >actually is _reduced_ and the "SNDRIP=EIPSPAM" is constantly rising :-) 
> >.... and
> >of course the virus/day rate is sinking.
> This will break rather spectacularly on some larger ISP traffic, since many 
> larger ISPs (AOL, RoadRunner, Comcast, a number of others) do not send 
> their mail from the same machines which receive it. MX records are for 
> machines that receive mail - while a *lot* of places also send mail from 
> the same machines, a lot of places (especially high volume sources of mail) 
> do not.
Well, actually you are right in a technical point of view and , sure, it is 
NOT RFC what I do.

But from the more pragmatic approach I must say it works well, without a 
complaint (as I stated in my initial posting) at all. (we get about 1000 mails
a day)

Why ? Because those, sending mails out via unlisted servers are either infected
;-) or running public mail services and are either virus protected or the 
default SMTP gateway for people and thus _don't_ get used by todays malware.


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