xmail server is runing it's 6th day. it's the live server for > 150 email

now, it takes more than 20 min to deliver a email to a local mailbox,
plus it has a more than 70 frozen massages.

and we experience a heavy outbound traffic from the email server
at unpredictable frequency.

this xmail server is not directly exposed to the internet, it's behind 
an email gateway. xmail server has only one ethernet card, and it's 
asigned the local IP

all the user accounts were created from PhpXmail. xmail server
is handling only one domain. it has several email lists.

i'm having some difficulties in restarting xmail server too.
/etc/init.d/xmail force-reload, failes to reload the server.

what else information you need.? i'm runing xmail server on 2.4GHz
IBM think centre with 256 MB memory and 20 GB of disk space.
os is Mandrake 10.



On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 15:25:02 +0200, Matic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it would help if you explain a litlle bit more what exactly is slow and
> how do you reproduce the "problem"
> Matic
> kalinga pravi:
> >my recently installed xmail server is very slow, here is my server.tab file.
> >pls show me any problem or missing configurations which cause this
> >slowness.
> >
> >"RootDomain"    "mydom.com"
> >"SmtpServerDomain"      "mydom.com"
> >"POP3Domain"    "mydom.com"
> >"HeloDomain"    "mydom.com"
> >"PostMaster"    "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >"ErrorsAdmin"   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >"TempErrorsAdmin"       "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >"RemoveSpoolErrors"     "0"
> >"DisableEmitAuthUser"   "1"
> >"NotifyMsgLinesExtra"   "4"
> >"NotifySendLogToSender" "0"
> >"NotifyTryPattern"      "1"
> >"MaxMTAOps"     "16"
> >"ReceivedHdrType"       "1"
> >"FetchHdrTags"  "+X-Deliver-To,+Received,To,Cc"
> >"MaxMessageSize"        "6000"
> >"EnableAuthSMTP-POP3"   "1"
> >"Pop3SyncErrorAccount"  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >"AllowNullSender"       "1"
> >"AllowSmtpVRFY" "0"
> >"AllowSmtpETRN" "0"
> >"SMTP-RDNSCheck"        "0"
> >"CheckMailerDomain"     "0"
> >"DefaultSmtpPerms"      "MRVZ"
> >
> >
> >tks
> >
> >
> -
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