At 02:03 11/11/2004, S=F6nke Ruempler wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 4:01 =3D
> > Why are you accepting, then bouncing, mail? In today's
> > climate of widely=3D3D20
> > forged envelope senders, it doesn't make sense to accept then bounce
> > - as=3D3D20 much as possible, things should be rejected during the
> > protocol session=3D3D20
> > with a SMTP error.=3D3D20
>Because Xmail should forward this message.

Forwarding is always a problem, but there are ways to handle it (depending=
on the type of forwarding you're doing).

Myself, if I'm forwarding all mail for a domain, I request a list of all=20
valid users / aliases for the domain, so I can do local validity checking=20
before accepting a message for forwarding (in essence, setting up a local=20
domain to verify the mail, then using mailprocs to forward the message on=20
to the intended server).

However it would also be possible to set up a pre-data filter to make a=20
connection to the destination server and test that the message is addresed=
to a valid recipient.

Of course, there are other reasons for rejecting a message, such as viruses=
or spam content - but since both of those are typically forged, it makes=20
sense to dump those rather than bouncing them. If you're worried about=20
false positives in this sense, perhaps a short note to the intended=20
recipient saying "We quarantined a suspect email from <address> due to=20
<reason>. If you wish to look at this message, please <take particular=20
action to cause mail to be delivered or viewed from web mail>".

I'm sure there are other ways, as well - these are just two that I'm=20
familiar with.

But (in my opinion, of course) sending NDNs for anything these days is=20
really not the best idea. There is way too much forgery going on for NDNs=20
to be even close to reliable - and there are a lot of domains out there who=
are doing "block on sight" of NDNs to forged senders.=20

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