Wow, thanks.  I was hoping it would be something simple like that.  That 
user has a real problem with spelling.  I'll have to get onto him for that.
Dustin C. Hatch

Sönke Ruempler wrote:

>Hi, I think the error is here (spelling):
>>Mail From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Isn't it? ;-)
>>Rcpt To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Server:    <> []
>>[<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:
>>501 5.1.8 Sender domain must have a DNS MX or A/CNAME record.
>>[<04>] Here is listed the message log file:
>>[PeekTime] 1104070313 : Sun, 26 Dec 2004 08:11:53 -0600 <<
>>ErrCode   =3D -81
>>ErrString =3D [MAIL FROM:] not permitted by remote SMTP server
>>ErrInfo   =3D 501 5.1.8 Sender domain must have a DNS MX or
>>A/CNAME record.
>>SMAIL SMTP-Send MX =3D "" SMTP =3D "" From
>>SMTP-Error =3D "501 5.1.8 Sender domain must have a DNS MX or A/CNAME
>>record." SMTP-Server =3D ""
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