On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Luca Giuranna wrote:

> If I'm not wrong, I noticed that if I send a message telnetting to port 
> 25 and add a "Message_Id:" header to the message I'm sending, this 
> header is retained by xmail: when I then receive the message, it 
> contains the same Message_Id header I inserted. Xmail does not replace 
> it with a new Message_Id header.
> That's good for me because I need to log this message_id into the smtp log.
> I went to the source code, looking for a way to add a column to the smtp 
> log (I'm not skilled in c++).
> I think I know how to add a column to the smtp log file, maybe by 
> changing this method in SMTPSvr.cpp:

Message IDs that XMail generates are server-wide, and XMail does not care 
at all of MUA/account specific ones that are listed inside the message 

- Davide

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