On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, Michal Altair Valasek wrote:

> Hello,
> after running glst --cleanup file named 'glst-lame.dbm' appeared. What the
> heck it is?
> According to dump it contains 'triplets' withount user address - IPs only,
> which I feel that should not happen. Am I supposed to do something with
> that? 

hehe ... this is the database of all the IPs that are likely to be 
spammers. The ones that sent you a message w/out completing the standard 
SMTP retry policy. I have something in mind with it, that is add some 
heuristic to create an IP blacklist from it. Also, those lame-db entries 
could be globally shared among all the GLST users, to create a global and 
more effective IP blacklist.

- Davide

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