I put it on this a.m., we'll keep an eye on it.
>>> davidel@xmailserver.org 1/6/2005 2:30 PM >>>
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Dale Qualls wrote:

> I'm seeing this error (filter error (-5)) in the /var/log/messages
> on many messages. When this happens the server locks up and we have
> reboot it, quickly ssh into it, kill xmail and spamd.

Yesterday, while implementing the new filter features, I found an error

triggered when a filter execution fails. In versions < 1.21-pre04, I
freeing the filters strings array, and then log the operation, that was

printing one of those strings (index 0). This might trigger crashes in

case another thread immediately re-allocate the same location between
free and the log time. Try 1.21-pre04 ...

- Davide

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