[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:41 PM:

Hi, thx for your answer

> It is a good idea, however...
> Here are a few things to know about what you would like to do:
> 1) You could create your own Received: headers before passing
> the email =3D
> on
> to SA.  No problems.  Then I would suggest you strip them
> back off after =3D
> you
> get the results back from SA...

Yes, that is right. I'll have to strip it afterwards.

> 2) I suspect XMail's author doesn't write the Received: header at the
> post-data stage because of a couple reasons...
>       a) Here you can get the untouched original email.
>       b) What would you put in the "for" section if there
> were multiple
> recipients? (More than one RCPT TO)?


> 3) If you reject a SPAM after it has been sent to you, you didn't gain
> anything... the time and bandwidth has already been wasted.

Because simply deleting the message is not possible (justice and some
customers), a real sender would get back a 5xx error and he knows that =
mail has'nt been read. The Problem with marking as ****SPAM**** is that =
of our spam-protected customers don't know anything about it and so it's
besser that the don't get the spam. I want to realize it as option, if =
is deleted or is being marked and forwarded.

> 4) Rejecting spam often means the sending server will attempt
> endlessly again and again even if you pass a 554 or other similar
> fatal error.... meaning that the one 40KB spam now can take up 400KB
> or more bandwidth =3D as
> the spammer keeps trying to resend.

Nope, 5xx is permanent - the client should not try to resend it. 4xx is

> Personal experience tells me that you need to just accept it,
> score it,
> label it as "[SPAM]", and if you wish, delete it, or move it
> to another
> folder if it scores high enough (I use XMail-WAI web interface... so
> =3D spams show up in a spam box folder).

see above about my personal expirience.

> When I did what you propose, my bandwidth use shot up over 10x!

mhm I use spamcop and other blacklists and the other nice features of =
so that 70-80% of the incoming mail is rejected in SMTP session before =
reaches any filter ;-)

> Now, an idea I have would be to combine the SA scoring with perhaps a
> greylisting?  That's what I am looking at writing up right now...

I think in a few month the spammers will have a solution against =
so I don't think about implementing it.

> 1) PRE-DATA: check triplets database, temp error if in list and not =
> enough time has past.
> 2) POST-DATA: check SA score for email, if above a 5, then
> temp error it =3D
> and
> add to greylist.
> I like this modified form of greylisting because it allows
> low scored =3D
> emails
> to be delivered immediately (which I often want when buying things =3D
> online, retrieving lost password for websites, etc).  Only
> high-scoring emails =3D
> get
> delayed.

SA autolearning (bayes) and auto-whitelisting is IMHO very effective and =
better solution as greylisting.

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