Many, many times.  Also xmail and the server.
It's killin' me.  I just need to get 2.61 completely off this pig and
it won't go away :)  I tried "make clean" in the 2.61 source (had to
re-run the "perl Makefile.PL" to be able to run "make clean" and it
didn't help.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/13/2005 3:20 PM >>>
Did you restart spamd?

Dale Qualls said the following on 01/13/2005 04:11 PM:
> I just upgraded to SA 3.02 and have a bad issue. If I manually run
> as a test (spamassassin -D -t < testfile.txt > output.txt) the
> version of SA (3.02) is used. If SA is run by my then
> it's showing that the old version that I replaced (SA 2.61) is being
> used.
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