
Along with what others suggested while I was writing this.. :)

Is the bsa_filter script calling spamc or spamassassin ?
Do `which spamassassin` and/or `which spamc` match the path (if any) in the 
bsa_filter script ? For instance, on my server:

: which spamc        

: /usr/local/bin/spamc -V       
SpamAssassin Client version 3.0.2

: which spamassassin

: /usr/local/bin/spamassassin -V
SpamAssassin version 3.0.2
  running on Perl version 5.8.5

If I had an old SA install in /usr/bin and the script was calling 
/usr/bin/spamassassin , it would be using the old version.

If you look at the shebang line of `spamassassin` , it can sometimes point to a 
different perl version (on an old server of mine it shows #!/usr/bin/perl5.6.1 
). Might want to go that a check.

If that sheds no new light on the problem, grep for it.

grep -Ri spamassassin /usr >mysearch.txt

that will take awhile and be resource intensive, but it will find all files on 
/usr (I can't imagine it would be outside /usr) that have "spamassassin" in it, 
case insensitive. then you can open up mysearch.txt and look for a duplicate 

hope that helps

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