> On Monday, February 14, 2005 7:00 PM [GMT+1=CET],
> Tracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The mods to do this aren't terribly hard, but I'm not comfortable
>> enough=20 with the quality of my code to be able to share it with
>> anyone. If someone= =20
>> wants to discuss it in the abstract (for instance, in preparations
>> to=20 making their own modifications), I'd be happy to do so, on or
>> off list.
> Maybe something like RCPT/MAIL_FROM - whitelisting should go natevily into
> XMail sometime. There are always customers and users that _WANT_ to get
> all
> the holy spam and virus shit ;)

 Ok, unfortunately this is 169% true.

> But because that is possible with SMTP filters, it should have very low
> priority (imho).

 Here you've lost me :(, how is possible with SMTP filters to bypass RBLS
and spammers.tab, can I have a small example please ???

  Best regards,

  Mircea Ciocan

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