On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Harald Schneider wrote:

> Hi Davide,
> it seems that XMail quits with a "Bad SMTP response" when the remote server
> sends a 220 response after a HELO.
> Here an example:
> Instead of
> Connected to mail.uniovi.es.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 ALEPH.NET.UNIOVI.ES -- Server ESMTP (PMDF V6.2-X17#30969)
> helo test
> 250 ALEPH.NET.UNIOVI.ES OK, dsl-xxx.arcor-ip.net [].
> ... this server sends
> Connected to mail.uniovi.es.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> helo test
> 220 ALEPH.NET.UNIOVI.ES -- Server ESMTP (PMDF V6.2-X17#30969)
> 250 ALEPH.NET.UNIOVI.ES OK, dsl-xxx.arcor-ip.net [].

220 is simply not an allowed response, according to the RFC. Here is the 
relevant section of allowed responses:


         Each command is listed with its possible replies.  The prefixes
         used before the possible replies are "P" for preliminary (not
         used in SMTP), "I" for intermediate, "S" for success, "F" for
         failure, and "E" for error.  The 421 reply (service not
         available, closing transmission channel) may be given to any
         command if the SMTP-receiver knows it must shut down.  This
         listing forms the basis for the State Diagrams in Section 4.4.

               S: 220
               F: 421
               S: 250
               E: 500, 501, 504, 421
               S: 250
               F: 552, 451, 452
               E: 500, 501, 421

Also, the above sequence is completely broken, since the only way for SMTP 
to return multi-lines, is to have the '-' character after that status 

- Davide

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