I'm having trouble  getting email from this one certain person.  I have
changed the email address of the user here to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm running
XMail 1.21 on RedHat Linux 9.0.  It has been running very stable for the
last year and on this version for 40 days.


My logs say


smtp-200503110000:"pikevillehospital.org"       "pikevillehospital.org"
""  "2005-03-11 10:30:21"   "mail.mednetphysician.com"      ""
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"      ""      ""      "SNDR=ESPAM"    ""     "0"     ""





""         "WhiteList=1"

""       "WhiteList=1"



I know this part is redundant, but it was worth a try.  I tried it with only
one line in there (being the last) then I went to the top, then both.  


In the server.tab file I have the CustMapsList commented out, 


Server.tab file


#"CustMapsList" "b1.spamcop.net.:1,list.dsbl.org.:1,dnsbl.sorbs.net.:1"

#"CustMapsList" "b1.spamcop.net.:1,list.dsbl.org.:1"


How can it still be that these emails are getting listed as ESPAM?  It's
almost like the smtp.ipprop.tab isn't working.



Any help is appreciated.







Chad Fleenor


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