Hello Rob,

Tuesday, March 29, 2005, 7:42:53 AM, you wrote:

RA> Sounds more like it is only a problem on the _day_ DST changes.
RA> DST usually changes at 02:00, so I'm guessing that on the day of change,
RA> when a new log is being rotated, the new day is having 1 hour adjusted when
RA> the file name is being calculated at 00:00 (day change)
RA> This should not occur, until 02:00 (dst change).
RA> There is a possible problem: lets say you have hourly log rotations, at
RA> 02:00 when the time changes back, does xmail open the 01:00 log and append?
RA> The scenario of adding 1 hour is not a problem, there will be one log
RA> 'missing', because the hour was skipped -02:00 became 03:00

Ahh, Daylight Savings Time, twice a year it comes around to screw up
data logging.  How do programs such as MRTG and RRD compensate for
this screw up?  RRD is designed so that all data must be consecutive
times, and no less than one second apart, going back and redoing the
hour would result in errors for the data capture routine, and skipping
an hour would make a hole in the data.

Best regards,
 Charles                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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