> > 1. If the sender uses capitalization in the list name, XMail correctly
> > recognizes it and executes the correct command alias but the script
> > doesn't match the name to the correct list.
> You might want to use a convetion for file names, and than use lower() to
> convert email addresses:
> http://python.active-venture.com/lib/module-string.html

Both mailman and the integration scripts create and use lower case list names 
and cmdaliases, so everything is consistant at the filesystem level. I simply 
needed to take the mixed case list name provided by @@RCPT and convert it to 
lower case before evaluating it. I actually had already found the right 
command and inserted it in the correct place. I just screwed up the usage 
using "name = lower(name)" instead of "name = name.lower()". It's fixed now 
and if anyone is interested the updated script is here: 


> > 2. The script doesn't append entries to the log file, but instead writes
> > over the first line each time.
> You'll have to add an "a" to the open-mode of the log file (or add a seek
> to the end).

I'd like to make some other changes in the logging procedure so I'll play 
around with this tonight when I have more time.

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