On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Harald Schneider wrote:

> Hi,
> following scenario:
> - XMail 1.21 running on RedHat Enterprise Server
> - The machine hosts 3 IP adresses (1,2,3)
> - SMTP and POP are bound to IP 2 and 3 which works perfectly.
> However, mails to AOL bounce back which complain about a missing
> RDNS record for IP #1. Is it possible that XMail chooses the 1st available
> interface for sending? If yes, can it be forced to use IP #2 or 3 ?

It would be possible to bind a connecting socket to an interface/IP, but I 
am not eager to implement this in XMail. Those that have these kind of 
issues, they should look at routing tables manipulations.

- Davide

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