On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, jonn ah wrote:

> HI Davide,
> There are multiple plugins, only one is needed one plugin depends on two 
> things, the du command (for determining file/directory sizes and all the 
> mailboxes are located in the same directory someplace, in my case its 
> /var/MailRoot/domains/mydomain/myusers/Maildir
> another plugin depends on the QUOTA extension of courier-imap, which 
> according to its website",This solution will NOT work if Maildirs are stored 
> elsewhere, or if you have a large virtual domain setup where a single userid 
> is used to hold many individual Maildirs, one for each virtual user" (via 
> maildirquota), im just not sure if maildirquota is the same as the quota 
> extension of courier-imap....
> My best bet is the first plugin, unless of course there is an xmail plugin 
> that i can use to display mailbox size inside the mysql database (since i 
> believe accounts are stored there) since im using smartpost on top of xmail 
> and courier-imap...
> any ideas?

I know nothing about those plugins, but as long as they down't screw up 
the Maildir structure, they should be fine.

- Davide

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