I will be out of the office from 7/20/05 till 8/01/05.

If you need my assistance before then, feel free to page me at

>>> xmail 07/22/05 04:31 >>>

I will be out of the office from 7/20/05 till 8/01/05.

If you need my assistance before then, feel free to page me at

>>> xmail 07/22/05 03:53 >>>

I will be out of the office from 7/20/05 till 8/01/05.

If you need my assistance before then, feel free to page me at

>>> xmail 07/22/05 03:03 >>>

I will be out of the office from 7/20/05 till 8/01/05.

If you need my assistance before then, feel free to page me at

>>> xmail 07/22/05 02:34 >>>

I'm running squirrelmail with courier-imap (for imap) and xmail (for
pop3), i store usernames/passwords in a mysql database... i can change
the password for imap (using squirrelmail's mysql plugin) with no
problem but with pop3 it does not get updated...can anybody tell me how
can i fix this?

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