On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, CLEMENT Francis wrote:

> To try to eliminate the problem, I deleted it (glst.dbm) (after saving =
> old
> in case ...)
> Glst created a new fresh
> Then after doing that, no more glst process staying active and taking =
> up to
> 99 cpu !
> So, IMHO, this is a gdbm (win32 version only ?) problem when mlany =
> multi
> processes access the data base and the database becomes too big ... =
> (delays
> in accessing keys indexes ? not enough retries ? ...)
> Hope this can help you.

Yes. I looked at the Win32 port, and the locking of the GDBM file is 
incorrectly done with LockFile() (that does not block). I might try to 
make a better Win32 port ASAP.

> 1 - How to correctly (dynamicly ?) use the mnet parameters ? I have =
> some
> isp's that use many servers to resend mail (not allways the same =
> server)..

The GLST config file?

> 2 - Some of them use NO contiguous ips for they resend servers in =
> completely
> different subnets !!! how to deal with ?

Sorry, you can't.

> 3 - Do you think remembering glst triplet only on the domain part of =
> emails
> addresses could be a good option after the first 'normal' triplet (with =
> full
> from email only) is accepted ?
> This could eliminate two problems : database size and mnet settings and
> multiple servers in multiple subnets for same isp, as in 99% cases =
> mails
> from a domain comes from the same set of smtp servers.
> A sample to explain my idea :
> -glst reveice a 'from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from ip' 
> never seen
> before (exact or domains part).
> -glst rejects and notes the complete triplet.
> -glst reveice '[EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from ip', 
> reject and note =
> it.
> - Then glst finally accept one of the previous exact triplet from =
> it change the triplet to '@domfrom to @domto on ip' and erase =
> any
> exact triplets for same @domfrom,@domto/ip even if not yet resend.
> So for next 'anyboby' from @domfrom send mail to 'anybody' to @domto =
> from ip
>, glst accept directly (until exptimeo of course ...)
> Any comment ?

It'd require multiple indexes, that GDBM does not support. Also, it won't 
solve the spreaded GW problem.

- Davide

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