On Sat, 27 Aug 2005, Rob Arends wrote:

> What you really want is the ability to have smtp-in, smtp-out, and pop3-in
> filters.
> That way you can deal with the incoming mail before it is fanned-out to the
> individual recipients - this is also why you are getting 4 executions of
> your filters.
> In a way you already have this - an 'in-session' post-data filter - not
> quite a simple as a 'post-session' filter, but it is there.
> I've always seen the lack of a 'post-session' smtp in-filter as a hindrance,
> because the only 'post-session' in-filter available is a POP3 filter, which
> by design *must* work on the fanned-out to the individual recipients, and
> that incoming AV/SPAM scanners must run multiple times.  There are however
> time when you want that individual control.
> A 'post-session' smtp in-filter would be a great enhancement, by you can
> work around it at the moment with an 'in-session' post-data smtp filter.

As I said before, and X-XXX-Filtered: header will do it. The filter checks 
the presence of the header and *verify its content and position*, and if 
OK skips the execution, otherwise execute and add the header. I can 
already hear ppl screaming "But it will be faster if we can skip filter 
execution altogether and do it in XMail" ...

- Davide

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