Hi everybody,

I would like to develop a server to catch all sent messages on my PC 
(Windows XP).  The scope is to verify each message before it is sent.  
To do so, I downloaded XMail source to build a costum smtp server.  
This smtp server would be used like a relay to a extern smtp server.

So, I configuration of XMailServer is set to the default sample given  
in source code(sample domain, sample user account), and installed it   
on my PC.
The DOS shell displays the fellowing lines, when I run XMail in debug:

Debugging XMail Server.
SMAIL thread [00] started
SMAIL thread [01] started
SMAIL thread [02] started
SMAIL thread [03] started
SMAIL thread [04] started
SMAIL thread [05] started
SMAIL thread [06] started
SMAIL thread [07] started
SMAIL thread [08] started
SMAIL thread [09] started
SMAIL thread [10] started
SMAIL thread [11] started
SMAIL thread [12] started
SMAIL thread [13] started
SMAIL thread [14] started
SMAIL thread [15] started
[XMail 1.21 PSYNC Server] started
LMAIL thread [00] started
LMAIL thread [01] started
LMAIL thread [02] started
[XMail 1.21 ESMTP Server] started
[XMail 1.21 POP3 Server] started
[XMail 1.21 CTRL Server] started
[XMail 1.21 FINGER Server] started

It seem work well.

I created a mail profil in MS Outlook with the fellowing parameters:
name : xmailuser
address :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pop3 server : localhost
smtp server : localhost
user name : xmailuser
password : the password in the mailusers.tab

When I'm trying to send a message at the address  
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]",  the DOS shell displays :

SMTP client connection from []
SMAIL local SMTP = "xmailserver.test" From =  
SMTP client exit []
SMTP client connection from []
SMTP client exit []
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "smtp.polymtl.ca." SMTP = "xmailserver.test"  
ErrCode   = -40
ErrString = Invalid server address
ErrInfo   = smtp.polymtl.ca.
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "smtp.polymtl.ca." SMTP = "xmailserver.test"  
Failed !
SMTP-Error = "417 Temporary delivery error"
SMTP-Server = "smtp.polymtl.ca."

How should I configure XMail to send message with success?


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