
What you think about a version of sendmail that has an option to use the From: 
header address as smtp mail from. Do you envision any problems with this?

The thing is that the current behavior does not work well in the shared 
hosting environment that we operate for our customers. Most of the these 
sites use php and the php mail function. This function does not allow you to 
set the smtp mail from and it simply calls xmail's sendmail. 

Sendmail's default behavior is to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as mail from. This is 
very usefull! It will not allow our customers to receive bounces. Setting the 
domain in a virtualhost definition does not help either, since you cannot set 
the username. Asking our customers to create an [EMAIL PROTECTED] email 
address to receive bounces is not very user friendly. Forcing them to use an 
smtp mailer is also not user friendly. 

I looked at sendmail and worked out how a way to implement this. 

- All rcpt to's are stored in a new temporary file. 
- No output is sent to szmailfile before having read all email headers. 
- While reading thru the headers I set the szmailfrom to the address on the 
From line. 
- If there is no From line or the From line contains an invalid address 
(according to AddressFromAtPtr) then nothing gets set and sendmail will use 
szmailfrom as previously setup in SysGetUserAddress. 
- After reading the headers, dump the mail from and rcpt to lines.

If you are interested in the code them let me know.

Netrex internet solutions
Achterstraat 8b
3441 EH  Woerden
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