it's like the mail sent on our internal domain doesn't go to the 
filters.out, because if it did it would be sending the mail to the 
/mnt/email/current/username/inbox.  If i sent to my hotmail account the 
mail gets copied out to that directory, but to my internal domains it 
doesn't.  This does, however, put all messages in the users inbox, even 
the incomming from a interal domain.  Eg.  I send a mail to Vinnie on my 
domain, it doesn't show up in my sent but it will show up in the archive 
mailbox of Vinnie.

CLEMENT Francis wrote:

>Do you mean that some mail never hit and filters.out ?
>I never verified this ...
>Do you have explicit samples routes in xmail for your 'in house' route ?
>(how the mail comes in xmail, is there any mailproc file or custom file to
>be processed and what commands in them, where xmail finally put the message
>? smtp out/mailbox/... )
>Can anyone confirm that in particular filter/mailproc/custom/...
>combinaisons a mail can bypass any filter (except when rejected or volontary
>excluded with files options, like !aex) ?
>>-----Message d'origine-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de Chad Fleenor
>>Envoyé : lundi 30 janvier 2006 16:42
>>À :
>>Objet : [xmail] Archiving email
>>Hey guys,
>>I am in a situation where I need to archive all our the 
>>emails, inbound 
>>and outbound. 
>>I have this setup right now, but it is not catching the email sent "in 
>>house", because anything sent on the email server to any domain on the 
>>email server itself will not hit the file.  I'm 
>>wondering if there is a way to make the internal domains hit this file 
>>or if there is another file that the internal emails hit before being 
>>delivered?  I need to determine this to populate the senders "sent" 
>>directory.  As of now it catches everything comming in and all things 
>>going outside this facility.  I'm running XMail 1.22 on RedHat Linux 
>>9.0.  Thanks in advance for any help on this!
>>The following are my files that i currently have setup.
>>"*"     "*"     ""     ""     ""
>>"/var/MailRoot/filters/"  "@@FILE"        
>>mkdir /mnt/email/current/$2
>>mkdir /mnt/email/current/$2/sent
>>cp $1 /mnt/email/current/$2/sent/
>>"*"     "*"     ""     ""     ""
>>"/var/MailRoot/filters/"      "@@FILE"        "@@RCPT"
>>mkdir /mnt/email/current/$2
>>mkdir /mnt/email/current/$2/inbox
>>cp $1 /mnt/email/current/$2/inbox/
>>Chad Fleenor
>>Pikeville Medical Center
>>Clinical Applications Analyst
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Chad Fleenor
Pikeville Medical Center
Clinical Applications Analyst

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