On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Chris L. Franklin wrote:

> That maybe every true, But out would be nice if we had the option, even if
> it was slower.
> Ps. And if slowness was a issue with you, why is it you wrote the pop3 to be
> able to auth via a external app/script/..etc ?

Please read his email again. He's saying that he went that direction 
because of performance reasons during XMail DB lookup. That's why my 
comment about performance. Slowness is not an issue at all for me, but 
some users might not have the correct picture when it comes to calling out 
external programs, making DB connections and issuing quesries.
Finally, the reason I wrote POP3 external auth is to give options for 
users in need of that, not because of performance for sure.

- Davide

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