Hello Davide,

-----part of original message-----
from: Davide Libenzi
sentt: Mittwoch, 15. März 2006 20:37
to: xmail@xmailserver.org
subject: [xmail] Re: Subscription confirmation e-mail has a bug

> Since there are quite a few hundreds of users subscribed to this list, 
> might not be that the problem is somehow your? ;)

I am not sure, I am using only standard software in an standard configuration : 
windows XP Professional and outlook.
Maybe most of the users in this newsgroup are unix-user and maybe did not 
encounter this problem, perhaps it is due to the different handling of the 'end 
of line' in unix and winows.
Besides that it was easy to find a workaround, so maybe only non of the other 
windowsusers complained or gave up without getting confirmation.

I got following e-mail:

# [EMAIL PROTECTED] has requested that you be subscribed xmail mailing list.  
# To subscribe, reply to this message, leaving the message body # intact, or 
send the following lines in e-mail to # [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

// job
appsub xmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ 4417A8E3:345F.1:kznvy // eoj

Ecartis v1.0.0 - job execution complete.

I just replied to this without any changes in the body, since I used copy and 
paste I don't know if windows changed the "end of line caracters"

Then I got following reply:

>> appsub xmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]   4417A8E3:345F.1:kznvy
>> //
Invalid number of parameters.

>> eoj
Unknown command.

Ecartis v1.0.0 - job execution complete.

Itried to send:
// job
appsub xmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ 4417A8E3:345F.1:kznvy // eoj

I got the same reply

Then I tried:
// job
appsub xmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ 4417A8E3:345F.1:kznvy 
// eoj

And I was accepted


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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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