Hi everyone,

I'm trying to track down a non-delivered email.  
I have found that the root cause was Dario's AVFilter returned errcode 90.

Which I believe to be 'normal' for a particular behaviour.

The problem is that the next filter did not execute and the email was
The filter is a normal 'in filter' and returns '20' when a Virus is found.
It does return various other errcodes, but not the usual xMail documented
No problem, xMail just ignores the ones it is not looking for.

I had this scary thought that, like DOS cmd file, the errcode is true when
the value is equal OR higher.

So I checked the xMail doco and it clearly states the if the filter does not
return 4,5,6 (and I assume 20,21,22) the message continues.

"If all filters return values different from '6, 5 and 4' the message
continues its trip."

I have logs created for filters and smtp, and looking through them, I
clearly see that the email was RECV=OK (smtp), and 2 of 3 filters ran.  See
below the filters log excerpt, showing the errcode 90.

"pre-data" "" "0" "0"  "d:\Greylist\glst.exe"
"in"         "" "0" "90" "D:\AvFilter\AvFilter.exe"

So the point is, the filter returned 90, why did the next filter not fire -
why was the email not delivered?

I was running 1.21 at the time and are now running 1.22, but looking at the
change log, I don't believe there is any difference in filter handling and

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Rob :-)

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