Ok Bryn,

I added   define( "PHP_EOL", "\\n" );   as suggested to the 2nd line of
xmlogarch.php, and now I get this.

D:\usrbin\xmailutils\xmlogarch-0.3rc1>php -f xmlogarch.php -- -?
** UNKNOWN ERROR '9999' -  TERMINATING (exit 255) ** Text: 'NULL'\n

Seems like you need a little section of code for "older PHP", a bit like
what we see for PHP in a webserver, where some HTTP variables did not exist
before 4.0.3


-----Original Message-----
From: postmaster - networkoftheapes.net
Sent: Thursday, 4 May 2006 4:44 AM
To: Rob Arends
Cc: xmail@xmailserver.org
Subject: RE: [xmail] XMail Log Archiver

You are brave! It looks like either PHP_EOL isn't being set or I've got
another variable with a null value in there somewhere. Try adding this line
to the very top of xmlogarch.php after the license comment;

define( "PHP_EOL", "\\n" );

Apparently, PHP_EOL is "Available since PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.2". If you're
okay after that or not, let me know. 

I tried to keep to as many PHP generated constants as I could (like
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) to inclease portability (or so I hoped).

Thanks again for the bravery! It does help! It'll get fixed _and_ it looks
like my error text is printing right :P Bryn

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Arends" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'postmaster - networkoftheapes.net'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 23:42:25 +1000
Subject: RE: [xmail] XMail Log Archiver

> Hmmm, ok, I know I'm pushing the boundaries here a bit....
> I have tried this on w2k/php 4.3.0
> C:\PHP -v
> PHP 4.3.0 (cgi-fcgi), Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group Zend 
> Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Zend Technologies
> And I get:
> D:\usrbin\xmailutils\xmlogarch-0.3rc1>php -f ./xmlogarch.php
> ** UNKNOWN ERROR '9999' -  TERMINATING (exit 255) ** Text: 
> .... History.
> I expanded the zip to: D:\usrbin\xmailutils\xmlogarch-0.3rc1
> This is my current folder.
> I edited xmlogarch.php & xmlogarch_conf.php only, and they are 
> attached for reference.
> I restrained my editing to:
> $installLocation = "d:/usrbin/xmailutils/xmlogarch-0.3rc1";
> Also tried
> $installLocation = "d:\\usrbin\\xmailutils\\xmlogarch-0.3rc1";
> And various settings in the *_conf file.
> I tried unix format paths and windows escaped and non-escaped "\" path 
> delimiters.
> I tried running as:
> D:\usrbin\xmailutils\xmlogarch-0.3rc1>php -f ./xmlogarch.php 
> D:\usrbin\xmailutils\xmlogarch-0.3rc1>php -f ./xmlogarch.php -?
> D:\usrbin\xmailutils\xmlogarch-0.3rc1>php -f xmlogarch.php -gp -p 
> password
> All gave same error.
> Hope this helps in the building effort.
> Rob :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of postmaster - 
> networkoftheapes.net
> Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2006 2:00 PM
> To: xmail@xmailserver.org
> Subject: [xmail] XMail Log Archiver
> I've created a log archival and analysis tool for XMail. Those that 
> are interested can check it out at http://xmlogarch.sourceforge.net
> It's currently a beta release as I have a tiny bit more to go before 
> decent
> Win32 support. I'll be working on it as I have the chance, but 
> volunteers are also welcome.
> (for the curious, yes this is how I discovered the 'friend' client 
> domain problem I was having)
> Enjoy,
> Bryn
> -
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