On Mon, 22 May 2006, CLEMENT Francis wrote:

> An 'non-authoritatie answer' is usual as many isp's do local 'dns =
> caching',
> and this is not a problem as long as the 'dns cache' observes the =
> various
> refresh times of the zone. But yes it could be.
> Here when I do a nslookup from my xmail server, I don't get
> 'non-authoritative answer' and get a list of mx for ifrance.com ...
> And xmail mx cache file ifrance.com contains :
> 86400
> 0:mailrecv.ifrance.com.
> ?!?!?!
> So xmail resolver obtained the good mx response !
> So why xmail try to send the A pointer ?

Because the TTL expired.

- Davide

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