On 02.10.2006 01:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am running XMAIL 1.22 on Linux on a 2.6 Kernel. I am running
> 2 filters, a Antivirus Filter and a Spamassassin filter.
> If I restart the computer or restart the xmail service,
> some emails will be re-delivered into peoples mail folders.
> Some of the email may be 2 or 3 weeks old.
> Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks.

I noticed this sometimes, too. It's mainly caused by filters that timed
out so that so file remained in spool. XMail then does recognize them as
new after a restart.

If you have long running filters just tune the timeout.


Best regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Sönke Ruempler

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