Filters working fine again, and the PopLnk* commands appear to be working 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Davide Libenzi" <>
To: "XMail mailing list" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject: [xmail] 1.23-pre08 ...

> Like I said before, this should really be the last one :)
> ChangeLog:
> - Fix CTRL "poplnkadd" and "poplnkdel" to accept local domains strings
>  starting with special characters.
> - Added (finally!) a command line makefile ( to build the
>  whole XMail package without the usage of the MS VC++ IDE.
> - Reject a CTRL "domainadd" command if an alias domain already exists with
>  the same name.
> - Changed the CTRL "usergetmproc" command to allow the caller to specify
>  if it is the user or the domain one that is wanted. Or a merges of both,
>  if "DU" is specified in the optional 3th parameter.
> - Changed the CTRL "usersetmproc" command to allow the caller to specify
>  if it is the user ('U') or the domain ('D') one that is wanted to be
>  set.
> - Added complex/multiple macro substitution capabilities to external
>  programs argoument lists.
> - Added strictier SMTP address validation.
> - Check the mailbox size for every message coming into the mailbox (before
>  it was only done during the SMTP phase).
> - Do not try to send to the 'A' record if the recipient domain does not
>  exist at all (NXDOMAIN). Bounce immediately instead, avoiding lengthy
>  retry policies.
> - Added the "wlex" flag to filter lines (works for the SMTP ones only), to
>  exclude execution of the filter line in case the client IP is
>  white-listed inside the ipprop file.
> - Added the post-RCPT SMTP filter, that is called before XMail acks the
>  client recipient. A new "RCPT=EFILTER" long entry is emitted in case a
>  recipient is rejected by a filter.
> - Added @@CRCPT (current recipient) and @@FROM (sender email address)
>  macros to SMTP filter substitution.
> - Allow cmdaliases to work on aliased domains. Before a cmdalias defined
>  on an alias-target domain was not working before the cmdalias check was
>  done before the alias domain resolution.
> - Added the ability to bypass the SMTP.IPMAP.TAB inclusion using SMTP
>  authentication.
> - Added a new SERVER.TAB variable "SMTP-IpMapDropCode" to control the drop
>  code to be used for IPs listed inside the SMTP.IPMAP.TAB. Like other
>  codes inside XMail, 1 means drop now, 0 means allow if auth, and -N
>  means add N seconds delay. An immediate drop will emit a "SNDRIP=EIPBAN"
>  log entry.
> - Added a new SERVER.TAB variable "SmtpMsgIPBan" to control the SMTP
>  message returned in case of SMTP.IPMAP.TAB inclusion.
> - Added log message when the maximum number of SMTP/POP3/CTRL threads is
>  hit.
> - Fixed documentation about the spool info line and the SMTP filters info
>  line.
> - Fixed a build problem on OpenBSD related to the lack of c_r (reentrant C
>  library) library.
> - Fixed greetings message to be RFC2821 compliant (server host must be
>  first).
> - Fixed a NAME_MAX build error ond *BSD and Solaris.
> - Added a "Pop3ScanCur" USER.TAB variable to control the scan of the
>  Maildir's "cur" directory during POP3 message list build. Now XMail only
>  scans the "new" directory as default.
> Test reports are, as usual, welcome ...
> - Davide
> -
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