On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, XT wrote:

> Davide,
> Is it possible, using, pop3link.tab, to download mail from gmail? During
> prior version of XMail (when it was not integrated with SSL), I had =
> setup
> stunnel that will channel all gmail connection and provide pop to xmail =
> as
> following:
> XMAIL <=3DCLEAR=3D> (30110) STUNNEL[::1] <=3DEncrypted=3D> POP.GMAIL.COM =
> (995)=A0
> Using current release, is it possible to avoid stunnel and straightway
> specify pop.gmail.com instead of stunnel, referring above, using some
> syntax?
> I have tried STLS, FSTLS but not with much success, I know it was stupid =
> to
> assume it work, but hey! With Davide around, magic can happen :).

Right. Prolly gmail does not support the POP3 STLS command. Mayb I should 
provide the ability to initiate a POP3S connection directly (like stunnel 
did) ...

- Davide

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