I've got a problem where my filter in filters.in.tab and filters.out.tab 
should have modified a message. But the message turns out not to be 
modified when presented to the script from the mailproc.tab:

I've basically got this in my mailproc.tab:
> "external"      "0"     "10"    "someScript.sh"  "@@FILE"
> "external"      "0"     "10"    "anOherSchript.sh"    "@@FROM"        
> "@@MSGID"       "@@FILE"

My filters.in.tab and filters.out.tab are set up to fire the same script 
for every e-mail. When I look into the logs my script writes, then I see 
that it gets fired twice (once for every line in the mailproc.tab).
The script might alter the message and return 7, or the message has to 
be deleted and it will exit with 4.

It seems that, when it exits returning "4", the "external" command from 
the mailproc.tab is (correctly) not called.
But when it returns "7", the unaltered message is found by the 
"external" command in the mailproc.

Does anyone know what might be going on here?


Bart Mortelmans

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