After reading again all this thread, it seems to me that this is a
connectivity issue.
This connectivity issue can be on routers, servers, clients, firewalls,
proxies, filtering software or hardware (in proxy mode on client side or
firewall/proxy side), in the route ...

In case of connectivity issues, 'standard' mua policy is to alert the user,
but here it seems the user never see any error (pop-up, ...) from the
software !?!? So the client software seems to 'complete' correctly the pop3
Very strange !?!?

Or the error reporting fonction is disabled on client software ?

Or a 'man in the middle' (proxy/firewall/filtering software or hardware,
....) closing the client side pop3 session correctly on connectivity issues
with the server side ?

The only think to do now is to implement two simultaneous ip captures at
client and server side, on any traffic between the two parts, then study the
dumps just after any 'duplicate' problem to confirm that previous pop3 and
current sessions completed correctly or are different. If different
commands/responses sequences (one say completed correctly, the other not) a
'man in the middle' sometimes get in trouble ...

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