Hello Davide, hello List,

I have a suggestion for the SmtpMsgIPBanMaps-server.tab-variable. I =
would be
neat to be able to configure it like this:

"SmtpMsgIPBanMaps"      "550 Denied because your IP $IP$ is listed in the
following blacklist: $MAP$"
Result: 550 Denied because your IP is listed in the following
blacklist: blacklist.example.com

Why? A user which receives a bounce which contains the original =
by Xmail just has to tell me that message for me to check/take action or
advise. Otherwise it's often hard to tell which was the sending MTA if a
"large" provider/hoster is used (the Received:-Lines in a bounce won't =
that last MTA, and the mailrelay is more often not the sending MTA) and =
hard to tell a user via telephone to extract the right IP or hostname =
the bounce, if at all possible (I'm under the impression that some MTAs =
don't tell the sender that information).

Also, the user may be able to check the IP him/herself without my help.

I think this makes sense, it makes life much easier for everyone. :-)=20

Regards, Manuel Martin

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