On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Radu Spineanu wrote:

> Hi Davide,
> > Thank you Radu. Didn't we have a discussion open about things to fix 
> > in XMail to play nicer with Debian?
> > 
> I could have misplaced those emails, sorry I've had a lot on my mind
> this last couple of days/weeks/months.
> The major issue is a LSB incompatibility because the -bs function is not
> implemented, you suggested a good fix by providing a wrapper but I
> didn't have time to write it yet.
> Also there is the testing on the k*bsd architectures, I lost my access
> to a machine where I did this work, so I will ask the porters to look
> over it.
> The SSL certificates are created in the Debian postinst script during
> upgrade.
> Was there anything else?

Oh man, you ask me? :)

- Davide

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