On 30 May 2007, at 11:25, David Lord wrote:

> On 29 May 2007, at 18:57, Davide Libenzi wrote:
> > 
> > Here's the *preliminary* release of XMail supporting IPV6:
> > 
> > http://www.xmailserver.org/xmail-1.25-pre12.tar.gz
> > http://www.xmailserver.org/xmail-1.25-pre12.win32bin.zip
> > 
> > Both IPV4 and IPV6 formats are supposed to be working. The usual IPV4 
> > IPV4:PORT syntax has to become [IPV6]:PORT in case of IPV6.
> > New options -*6 enable listening on IPV6 addresses.
> On NetBSD 3.1 
> Compiled and installed ok but I've backed out to pre11 after first 
> outgoing email via xmail as local smarthost gave ERELAY response. 
> I've since attempted to resend and it hit expected greylisting with 
> temporary error. No time to send test mails as I'm off out now so 
> will try again with pre12 this evening.

Had to change plans for this afternoon and now another waste of time 
as I find my ISP is currently under DOS attack so connectivity is 
poor to nonexistant.

Anyway back on pre11 can confirm xmail again accepts emails from 
hosts on lan and has eventually delivered them ok.

Tried again with pre12 this time to one of my remote test accounts so 
no greylist problem, and again outgoing email is blocked by ERELAY.

Back on pre11 confirmed again that outgoing email is delivered ok.

I lost my ip6 tunnel after I had a change of ip block in January and 
managed to wipe my original settings so no longer have ip6 working.
DNS still returns the ip6 address as well as ip4 and in can cause 
minor problems with delay before ip4 address gets used.


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