On 5 Jun 2007, at 22:48, Rob Arends wrote:

> I came across this little command, thought someone might find it useful
> testing SSL on xmail:
>           openssl s_client -showcerts -starttls smtp -connect
> x35.xmailserver.org:25
> It uses openssl to 'telnet' to your smtp server and display a hole heap of
> info about the SSL info it finds.
> you will need to QUIT at the end, or you can EHLO, etc.

If you need to actually send the email you need -quiet otherwise 
after RCPT TO: <....> the 'R' is taken as 'R'enegotiate.

Anyway thanks as it got me on the way to having both STARTTLS and 
smtps working at least locally. I'm waiting for my friend on AOL to 
try it as port 25 is either blocked or proxied, I didn't proceed 
further than 'telnet mail.lordynet.org 25' from her system as 
although there appeared to be a connection established it wasn't to 
xmail. Attempt to send from Evolution on Ubuntu to my server failed 
on port 25 so I setup to use SSL which I guessed was smtps on port 
465 and confirmed when I got back here.


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